Alaska Economic Update with Neal Fried

Date: Monday, March 21, 2022
Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Location: Frontier Building, Suite 100
Speaker: Neal Fried

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An update on Alaska's economic prospects with Neal Fried. Please see bio below: 
Economist, State of Alaska, Department of Labor, Research & Analysis Section.
His primary duty is to produce economic data and analysis on a variety of economic issues facing Alaska.
A primary author of articles appearing in the monthly magazine Alaska Economic Trends, published by the Alaska Department of Labor.  This publication is distributed to over 5,000 subscribers.  His articles cover a wide variety of the State's economic issues.  Some of  the topics on which he has performed economic analysis and written articles include: annual economic forecasts, the cost of living, beer and coffee, construction, income and wage trends, the military, the health care industry, transportation, oil industry issues, labor needs, rural economic trends, economic impact of the Prince William Sound oil spill, the MatSu Valley's economy and other issues.
Served on the Governors Oil and Gas Policy Task Force, Anchorage Economic Development Committee, the Governors Technology Task Force, the Alaska Public Media Board, the King Career Center’s Business Industries Advisory Committee and others.  Was on the Pacific Northwest Economic Conference board.
He received the Governors Denali Peak Performance award.
Supervisor of Anchorage office, Department of Labor Research & Analysis Section

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