About Us

Welcome to our web site. As we enter the high tech era, our plans include many new and exciting opportunities for our members to gain more from membership in the Anchorage Estate Planning Council.


We publish a calendar of our upcoming meetings that identifies the time, place, speaker and topic.


We will exclusively utilize email to send our meeting notices to all current members.


We will maintain on our website a printable membership directory, accessible by our current members.


We also intend in the future to develop a member-only side to our website that will provide a forum for the discussion and interchange of ideas and issues that we face.


We now invite you to explore our website. The buttons to the left will give you many sources for information and forums. Here is an explanation of each.



This will be the meeting notice for the upcoming meeting. It will be e-mailed to members with valid e-mail addresses.



This reflects our upcoming programs for the year.



This reflects a current list of our Council's officers and Board of Directors.



This page will reflect a list of the patrons or sponsors who the Council recognizes in its website in exchange for their contribution to the Council.



This page lists those persons who have served as a past president of the Council since its organization in 1960.



This is our complete membership roster. It will be annually updated to reflect changes or additions in our membership.



This is our registration form that currently is available in a printable form, as well as available on-line.



This is a page that reflects links to websites of frequent interest to the Council's members and others involved in estate planning.



This is the easiest method to contact us. All messages are received by the Executive Director who will respond or delegate the message for proper response or handling.



The Anchorage Estate Planning Council was first organized in 1960. The Councils' charter members were: Don Burr, George Hedla, John Hughes, John Johnson, William Lahnum, Roger Laube, John Manley, Allan McAllister, Forest McConnel, Howard McMahon, William Merritt, Ray Plummer, David Pree, John Savage, John Sherman, Manley Sweazey, and Willis Townsend.